A google (gmail) or blogger account is required for full access to the site, including layout!
Once you have one, post it to the listserv requesting permissions, and someone will add you.
Alternatively, if you dont have a gmail/google account, you can click the 'Log In' link in the top right corner and log in with the strike.hella account (password on listserv.)
If you want to give your personal gmail/google account admin permissions: Once logged in click the 'settings' tab then the 'permissions' link. Then click the blue 'Add Authors' and put in your gmail address. You should receive a confirmation email in your personal email. After confirming, revisit the 'permissions' page and click the little 'Grant Admin Permissions." Now you can edit the entire blog!
If you have photos to share in the slideshow, log in to flickr with the strike.hella google account.
The password is on the listserv! If you did not recieve the message containing it, let us know!